i'm lazy to upload pics though, i'll do that another day D:
tell me i'm pro or sth LOLOL. alot of HILARIOUS stuff happened over the past few days,
lets start with some brief summaries from thursday onwards!
or wait i shall reply to tags first xD
{i miss replying to tags T.T}
16 august
GB: i break my arm looking at you bathe
{oh thanks who are you ah. i have the power of amputating arms without a surgical knife ohmygawsh! xD}
japanese: act clever. u say u die of workload still blogging??? act clever. or should i say u're stupid
{what act clever -.-||| i blog to relieve stress very clever meh LOL. its a form of stress relief. you said i'm clever la boy! why change your mind!}
17 august
ngik hiong: hey emma!!! i'm super hyper now hehe
{hey ngikngik!!! hahahaha yes can tell xD i'm happy now too whee but my zuowen is like, UNDONE D:}
ashley: crazyy ppl la u two. everyone was starin at u cann!! HAHAS. after boonie go find u for "slackiness in attitude" o.0
{what crazy, its called ENTERTAINING, HILARIOUS, and we're future comedians, RIGHT KAIKAI? you bimbo! xD zzzz twit wannabe omg! hi boonie being FUNNEH very slack meh HAHA}
18 august
CHANTEL: hey! stopped by (: take care!
{heyhey! tagged you too, takecare yes!}
{HELLO SPASTIC BIMBOTIC LEAF! xD k i'm updating now wheee! yes hi loyal reader! :DD -.-|||}
kaiying: we're not crazy, we're just fun people (:
{haha ABSOLUTELY totallayeee right, kaikai! GAWSH, my boyfriend DICK is so totallaye HAWT! hahaha we're fun and ENTERTAINING people! :DDDD}
19 august
ashley: n btw correct ur post to TWO crazy idiots. i was totallye innocent =X
{i won't you're the BIG spastic HUACHI bimotic BIMBO! :O omg you're saying totallye. that's like SO american bimbo language OHMYGAWSH. [HAHA]}
th girl with th big b**b: hey thr!!!
th girl with th big b**b: (((X
{hello girl with BIG GIGANTIC BOOBS! :DDD k i vandalised my own score T.T but you liked them right? xD}
SIYUN (foo): helllllo emo girl, cheer up! (: think of me & you'll be happy yeap HEEHEE (:
{omg SIYUNFOO i'm not emo! D: rarr, but hello too! happy belated birthday again yah! and eee you didn't come for tuition yesterday la! =/ hohoho sure really, *thinks of siyun NOW* i feel depressed now! ): haha JKJK seeyou!}
leongying`: thank you emmmma hahaha. i woke up to your sms you know! haha (:
{haha you're welcome yinggggg haha! had a nice nap aye? xD prayer of sanfrancis is love though!}
ada`: HEY EMMA

{HEY ADA! :D lol yeah longgg posts take a longgg time for me to post rarr D: yes it is! i bet he was SHOCKED hahahaa! xD yup tkcr loves! seeyou! ^^}
SIYUN (foo): emomomomomomo ):D
{RARRRR i'm notnotnotnotnot! D: see most of my posts are lighthearted and funny okay!}
wheee yay thanks for tagging although my blog had been like, DEAD for 4 days! :DDDD
loveyoupeople! ^^
and i just saw some videos.
i used to have this SERIOUSLY HIGHHHHHHH PITCHED voice when i was like, 3 years old.
i mean SERIOUSLY HIGH. life someone screaming. that's my normal voice o.O
artclass was kinda quiet today, but we entertained ourselves with my izhoukan special edition of the CAMPUSSUPERSTAR 2 edition! :DD hohohoho
yeeteng thinks zijie is cute. okay he is quite.
but benjamin and shawn are better! xD
xiner and my theory! guys like cute girls and girls like cute guys!
yes i know its very true, so go find some babies and go marry them.
oops i'm joking xD
and oh, i love eating during artclass, and chips are LOVE
and oh, ppl who always wear skinnyjeans are emo. OOPS i didn't say anything!
oh, and naomi said i can be an illustrator for children's books LOL.
choir was alright, prayer of sanfrancis is NICE! ^^ mrtoh was kinda high and happy too,
and he commented that the eagle's nest stank. we're sorta used to it though, kinda interesting to have choir thr, since the MEP people are using the music room yesterday. oh, BIGBOOBS girl, sorry i vandalised your score so badly, so now i've taken yours haha! xD
piano was bad ): lost my touch AGAIN. i need more practice, 11 more days! T.T
EXAM ON 30 AUGUST i'm STRESSED :/ i need more practise, more time, more time! D:
tuition was okayba. we negotiated with the teacher and only wrote 3 para for expository essay! i was kinda high during tuition too, laughed about EVERYTHING -.-|||
or i think i ALWAYS laugh for the slightest things zzz. k i'm not crazy really..
oh yes. i bought izhoukan in the afternoon! k i've told you that.
oh! i shan't write more, i'll just show you interesting quotes and videos! ^^
YUP! sitting inthe first row rocks, you get the best view of everything! xD
{yes, ignore my username -.-}
that's chongrui mervin edmund and kenneth's editited version of
MYPEOPLE MY HOME. i swear is dammit freaking funny.
although you might not be able to hear the lyrics yes,but its seriously VERY funny! :D
and oh, more hilarious quotes! all during geog lessons on thursday! o.O
mdm sim: "okay class! we're going to have a mini pop quiz now!"
class: "huh! hah! what! ahh! aiyo! -and more murmurs-"
mdm sim: "aiya! its between the groups only la! okay, last time we do grouping by flowers right! lets do fruits this time! *cheeky grin*"
*divides board into 7 sections*
that's like so -.-||| already...
mdm sim: "okay! now, *asks a bunch of question*"
somebody from watermelon attempts a question.
mdmsim: "EHHHHH 3FL! you all can hear not!"
3F/L: "nooooooo"
sheena: "eh mdmsim, we don't even know she talking, how to raise up our hand and tell you we can't hear her lehhh!"
okay, so mdm sim picked the first row ppl to answer question:
apple, orange, banana: *attempts. shakes head. smiles. mdm sim walks to me*
mdmsim: "EH, emma! *snaps fingers infront of me* what's the answer!"
me: "huhhh, ehh, skip skip skip! :D"
mdmsim: "WHAT SKIPSKIPSKIP! *does some weird actions and attempts to kill me -.-|||*"
me: "*laughs for no reason again -.-* haha"
and she walks off again, leaving me to heave a sigh of relief. HAHA
and she's off to torture more students.
mdmsim: "EH, YOU! what, yuncheng ah! come answer this question!"
yuncheng: "ahh, *flips open textbook and gives 1/3 of correct answer*"
mdmsim: "that's only 1/3 of the answerrrrr!"
yuncheng: "then can give us 1/3 marks not"
mdmsim: "*walks up to board, draws a "1", divides it into three segments and erases off 2/3 of the "1".* see, 1/3 mark! *smirks*"
3L/F: "-______________-||| HAHAHAHA omg so lame"
yes mdmsim, you're very lame.
*somebody answers question and gives up*
mdmsim: "ehhhh! you all don't like that, SKIP SKIP SKIP! *looks at me*"
me: "xDDDD"
mdmsim: "*comes to me, grabs me at the neck and starts to uhh, tickle me? 0.O*"
omg i'm dying to move to the back row HAHAHA
mdmsim: "we should not laugh at others!"
3L/F: "*simultaneously* we should laugh WITH others.. -.-"
somebody at the back: "MDM SIM, I LAUGH YOU!" [try pronouncing it! xD]
ohmy, mdm sim's secret admirer!
mdmsim: "*tabulates marks* [btw most groups had 0. HAHA]"
mdmsim: "its a tie between orange and apple! but anyway orange wins, cause ORANGES are bigger than APPLES!"
omg seriously.... -____-
oh and when mdm sim says.....
"my toes are talking!" [something like that]
what she really means: look at my new shoe! [the white flats] they're so pretty but nobody's giving me compliments! i'll resolve to this method so you all can look at it!
"sim junior! answer this question!" [she does that every lesson]
what she really means: i wish i had a son as old as you, too bad mine's already 30 ):
truth is, i'm not sure if she has a son HAHA. OOPS i didn't say that, did i? xD
yup end of the mdmsim laughter, i'm off to work now, byebye! :D
and omg btw my daddy bought godiva chocs for my bro for his TWENTY FIRST BIRTHDAY.
that box of [16] chocs costs 56 bucks -.-||| nevermind 21 is a special number, but seriously the chocs ain't that nice afterall =/
I LAUGH YOU! [hahahaha]
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